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Webinar Recordings

Learn about today’s latest technology and innovation trends at your own pace, whenever it is convenient for you. Click below to view recordings of our previous webinars. Our live and on-demand webinars showcase GlobalDWS’ framework for redesigning your workplace to be more productive, efficient, safe and secure.

Overview of CDAP Nov 2023
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Webinar Recordings

Learn about today’s latest technology and innovation trends at your own pace, whenever it is convenient for you. Click below to view recordings of our previous webinars. Our live and on-demand webinars showcase GlobalDWS’ expertise in redesigning your workplace to be more productive, efficient, safe and secure.

GDWS Robots Transforming  Eldercare 2024 09 26
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Technology Adoption for Senior Care: A Framework for Success

Technology Adoption for Senior Care: A Framework for Success

On August 21, 2024, GlobalDWS hosted the first in our new series of webinars designed to demystify technology adoption and provide a proven, efficient framework to help senior care administrators align their technology adoption activities with their overall goals and budget plans. Operators of retirement homes and LTC residences are being inundated with technology choices promising to transform their operations, support staff, improve resident experience and more - it can be overwhelming and exhausting trying to make sense of all the options. The GlobalDWS Technology Adoption Business Model is a key take-away from the webinar. Success starts at the base of the 'building' by establishing a solid foundation - you do that by initiating a digital assessment, creating a technology adoption plan and conducting pilot projects to test and validate the solutions you are most interested in. The Technology Adoption Plan helps keep you focused on the vision you have for the future - the transformation you envision - but it also keeps you grounded in the need for a roadmap and step by step, incremental changes you can make in the short and medium term to build capacity and find savings that can help make room for future technology deployments. At GlobalDWS, we have a 5-stage framework for conducting a digital assessment and developing a technology adoption plan in collaboration with our clients. These projects can be done in as little as 1-2 weeks or may take up to 6 weeks depending on how many options you want to examine and how much time you can allocate with your core team to discuss, prioritize and gather input from staff, residents and family members. Please contact us: to explore how we can be of service. To read our blog post, please click this link:

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We’re happy to hear from you. Contact us today to learn more about our business and how you can benefit from working with us.

68 Railside Rd – Unit 2

Toronto, Ontario M3A 1A3

+1 416-445-4397

+1 416-551-5479

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