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100+ Cities
30+ Countries
6 Continents
350+ Hackers Worldwide
Uniting innovators, creative thinkers, hackers and designers from all over the world to unlock the potential of service robotics and help solve world problems.
Video for ROBOCON 2020
ROBOCON, brought to you by GlobalDWS, is the world's first global hackathon focused on Service Robotics.
ROBOCON unites innovators, engineers, and problem solvers from around the world to get involved with the international technology community and unlock the potential of service robotics to help solve world issues.
Hosted virtually, participants have three days to come up with their greatest hacks. This event is a great opportunity for all creatively-minded people around the world to collaborate and ideate new service robotic applications to enhance global quality of life.
Why Service Robots?
Why Service Robots?
Although the service robotics market today may look much smaller than the traditional industrial robots market, the fields of application of service robots are much wider.
In fact, service robots are forecasted to overtake their industrial counterparts within the next five years: significantly impacting the global economy and the future of work.
At GlobalDWS, we believe that now is the time to further explore the potential application of service robotics and be pioneers in this emerging field.
Sponsors & Partners Make More Possible
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Keynote Speakers
Prizes & Award Winners
Participants and challenge-winners have the opportunity to win exciting prizes for their innovative solutions and creations, regardless of where they may be in the world.*
*Prizes outlined for 2020 Conference.
Prizes & Award Winners